
snack bar翻译,snack bar怎么读英语

小乐剧情 2024-01-03 05:37 476 481条评论
snack bar翻译,snack bar怎么读英语摘要:網頁a small, informal restaurant where small meals can be eaten or bought to take away 快餐店,小吃店 Before the film, I bought some popcorn and a drink at the snack bar. 电影开演前,我在小吃店买了些爆米花和饮料。 (snack bar在剑桥英语-中文(简体)词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press) snack bar的 例句 snack bar...

網頁a small, informal restaurant where small meals can be eaten or bought to take away 快餐店,小吃店 Before the film, I bought some popcorn and a drink at the snack bar. 电影开演前,我在小吃店买了些爆米花和饮料。 (snack bar在剑桥英语-中文(简体)词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press) snack bar的 例句 snack bar

網頁Description A beach snack bar is often a small building situated high on the sand. Besides soft drinks, candies and chewing gum, some snack bars sell hot dogs, hamburgers, french fries, potato chips, corn chips and other foods. While this is usually the case, sometimes "snack bar" refers to a small café or cafeteria.

網 頁 D e s c r i p t i o n A b e a c h s n a c k b a r i s o f t e n a s m a l l b u i l d i n g s i t u a t e d h i g h o n t h e s a n d . B e s i d e s s o f t d r i n k s , c a n d i e s a n d c h e w i n g g u m , s o m e s n a c k b a r s s e l l h o t d o g s , h a m b u r g e r s , f r e n c h f r i e s , p o t a t o c h i p s , c o r n c h i p s a n d o t h e r f o o d s . W h i l e t h i s i s u s u a l l y t h e c a s e , s o m e t i m e s " s n a c k b a r " r e f e r s t o a s m a l l c a f é o r c a f e t e r i a .


網頁n. 快餐柜,小吃店 点击 人工翻译 ,了解更多 人工释义 词态变化 复数: snack bars; 实用场景例句 全部 小吃店 This is an old snack bar. It has prospered through time, and is still in operation. 这是家老字号的小吃店, 真是历久不衰, 现在都还在营业. 期刊摘选 When does the snack bar open? 快餐部何时开? 期刊摘选 I have my lunch in a snack bar nearby. 我在 …


網頁2022年3月13日 · Healthy Nut & Seed Snack Recipes Healthy Popcorn Recipes Healthy High-Protein Snacks Healthy Whole Grain Snacks. Find healthy, delicious snack bar recipes including fruit and granola bars. Healthier recipes, from the food and nutrition experts at EatingWell.

網頁2022年7月1日 · 日式小酒吧的日文單詞「スナック(バー)」,是從英語的Snack Bar衍生而來,它並非如同名字直譯所示「小吃店」,是提供吃食的店家。因此日式小酒吧並不適合那些以覓食為目的人們。這裡雖提供簡易餐食,但主要卻是喝酒和社交的天堂。


網頁a small, informal restaurant where small meals can be eaten or bought to take away 速食店,小吃店 Before the film, I bought some popcorn and a drink at the snack bar. 電影開演前,我在小吃店買了些爆米花和飲料。 (snack bar在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) snack bar的 例句 snack bar


網頁Restaurants and Bars HAPPY VALLEY OLD CLUBHOUSE Six Furlong Hilltop Paddock Fortune Room The Gallop The Derby Restaurant The Derby Bar Snack Bar HAPPY VALLEY NEW CLUBHOUSE The Eighth - 360 Bar The Eighth - Pinnacle The Eighth


網頁Japanese Frozen Meal & Appetizer & Snack Asian Frozen Meal & Appetizer & Snack Western Frozen Meal & Appetizer & Snack Frozen Fruit & Vegetable Frozen Soup & Stock

網頁snack bar读音: [snæk bɑ:] 。. snack bar是专卖小吃零食的商店。. snack作名词时意思是“小吃,点心;快餐;易办到的事,小事一桩”,作动词时意思是“吃点心(或快餐、小吃)”。. 短语搭配:. Snack Stand 摆小吃摊、小吃摊、大排档。. midnight snack 宵夜、夜宵

網頁2019年6月17日 · Snackbar是Google Material Design中提供的一种兼容提示与操作的消息控件。 这也就意味着所有Android开发都可以直接通过官方插件来调用此控件哦~ 此控件与Toast比较相似,都通常用于低干扰度的消息提示,该消息可被忽略且不会打断用户当前的操作。 但相对Toast而言,Snackbar的优势在于可读性更强,还可以兼容1~2个次要操 …


作者:小乐剧情本文地址:https://izn.25ys.net/49b5aho1.html发布于 2024-01-03 05:37







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